We don't believe in scarcity models, and neither should you - a picture of "competitors" Tiffany and Jake skiing together.
Tiffany Norton

5 Powerful Reasons I Choose Collaboration Over Competition

It’s Not Pie. When I opened Juniperseed Mercantile’s first brick and mortar store, we were the only zero waste shop in town. That meant that when customers needed something like Unpaper Towels, bulk laundry powder, or Johnny Drops, they came to us. Now, years later, there are multiple shops that

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Sustainable old fashioned vintage homemade DIY cleaning supplies
Tiffany Norton

Clean and Green – A Sustainable Cleaning Products Guide

Your Complete Guide to Making and Choosing the Best Sustainable Cleaning Products Most of what I learned about cleaning, I learned from my Oma.  She was thrifty, self-sufficient, and smart about how to choose the right ingredients to get her house sparkling clean, safely.  Every day, my Oma started off

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Tiffany and Stacey standing in front of Juniperseed Mercantile, which is also their home.
Michelle Drumm

Living Above Our Shop

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Why I Love Living Above Our Shop Living Above Our Shop Have you ever been set on one path in life, only to have a fork in the road appear in front of you when you least expected it?    If so, I can relate. My

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